traveling-salesman is a GPS -route-planning and -navigation -system based on libosm and the OpenStreetMap.
GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)Follow Traveling Salesman
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Hello, I think you are doing good and congrats. And have a question? Why cant I import a map just doing "java -jar traveling... .jar import mymap.osm" Always says "Cannot represent xxx as an integer". Help me please?
Hello. I get errors when opening the maps in Traveling Salesman. When I download a map from bbbike_org format OSM XML gzip'd, I get the error "The entity timestamp attribute is missing." When I try to download a map from the program Traveling Salesman clicking "Download visible", I get the error "Can not represent 2185022507 as an integer." How to fix these errors that could otkyt card? I need to view a map of Belarus without the Internet. Thank You