3SUM aims to provide a powerful 2 to 3D programmable environment that allow editing several kind of contents and linking the relationships among Objective-C type. 3SUM sits on the top of AP3 framework which consit of 3D screen graph Objective-C API, C++ geometry math classes, basic mesh implementations, raster compositor and thread managements. AP3 also have a few foundation classes for data manipulation purpose, such as AAObject root which allows tagging object with selector-keyed arbitrarily typed bytes, or AAChunk, an equal-entry array which allows managing two or more binary streams as a single multi-field stream, or striding one stream into some, and some other partitioning abstractions. AP3 also provides a GUI system for NSOperation management, to provide the concurrency as much as everywhere-possible.

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GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2), GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)

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